Friday, February 15, 2008

What is a Secured Credit Card ???

I have heard it before " I can't get a credit card" like any other credit , a credit card is obtainable. Question is just at what cost to you. The cost can be just crazy. It's called a "Secured Credit Crad" . Use your head and judgement. Ask yourself "why do I you need a Credit Card." What is your purpose of obtaining a credit card with bad credit, or as the bank likes to call it, to make you feel better "blemished credit" Will a check card work ask yourself ?

100's of Credit Card Choices Secured Site

Here is the deal with a Secured Credit Card. The issuer of the Crdeit Card sets up a savings account for you in your name. The fee for the service can be expensive. That is why I ask why do you need a CreditCard. After the fee is payed, your savings account is set up to accept your deposit.The deposit can be made a lot of time by "MoneyGram" at a local Walmart. Your deposit determines how much credit you are exteneded. This is where the securded comes in the isser can't lose. For instance, you deposit $300.00 in the savings account. Some issuers will allow you to increase your account up to $10,000.00. Check with the issuer for details. Bingo $300.00 is your credit limit less any set up fees. Set up fees genrally run about $100.00 to $125.00 per account plus another $25.00 per card issued.

About 10 days or so after the deposit is made you will have your new credit card. A few of the securded Creit Card issuers will offer a expedited service that will allow you to obtain the Credit Card overnight at a extra fee, dont do it unless it is a must. Now that you are up and running here is what is next. You will get a monthly statement that will show your Credit limit , balance and Min payment due and date due. You make the payment on time and the issuer notifys the credit breau that your payment was on time. Now you have started the process of repairing your Poor Credit. The Credit Breau does not know that you have a "Secured Card" or do they care. The Credit agencys just care about you whether you make the payment on time. After about a year or so you should be able to obtain a basic Credit Card
without being a secured card. Dont get caught up with making a payment more than the min. due, if you can go for it. Do not do more than you can and create a problem with offer accounts or bills. We are trying to repair your credit not make it worse. Any questions feel free to contact me. I will try and answer any questions from where I have been. You might be able to learn from some of my many mistakes. Next time I will be writing about Re-FI's with the home mortgage. I just speak or write. from my experience I do not proclaim to be an expert.

Check out this site for the Credit Card Choices

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Credit , Credit Repair, Poor Credit

Have you had enough about "Credit, Poor Credit, Credit Ratings? Credit , it is every where like a bad dream and the "Credit Nightmare" goes on and on. Credit can treat you worst then having a extramartial affair. Let me share with you from a consumer's stand point what it all about and where you stand. Maybe I can add a little insight and comfort as I have been in the poor credit column at one time.

Credit can be a best friend if you use control and take care of it like a friend. At the same time, extended credit can almost seem to destroy you from the inside out of abused. Credit can be a expensive way to purchase household items. Although the household purchases you may deam important, if not just hell bent on getting whatever. Before you make a purchase consider , why do I need this item, what am I going to do with it and what I am going to get from the item. What is my return for running up my credit card. What's the bottom line cost. You will find, which a lot of people dont agree, dont get caught up in the interest rates. If you need the item for quailty of life or just basic needs go for it. You don't have much of a choice. Now , if that credit card purchase is a nonestential purchase hold back it. The need for the item might be like a "bad cold", you might get over. If you are still on a mission to purchase this item get a promotional credit card with some perks. There all types of CreditCards that offer great deals on purchases. Check out offers 100's of credit cards for all types credit ratings. You will find the card to match your need. Take your time sorting through this site it has a lot to offer. If you cant find the creditcard you need on this site it does not exist.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today was the quarterly /post Fall cyberknife treatments checkup typical of a cancer pt . It will be a couple of days waiting on the results being that I had the test CT Scan here on the "Shore" with Georgetown University / Johns Hopkins over seeing my care. In the intermin it's sit and wait.

On the bright side I had a great conversation with a long lost cousin. We talked for the first time in 7 years so. Great conversation with me sharing most of the information about where I have been and what I thinking towards the future. It was nice to converse with someone that seemed to apperciate the goings on. I also got an e-mail from my sister n law , that was on the upside, she offered, trying to understanding the events and where I am coming from. We had a good laugh over an upcoming family event that is taking place next weekend. I wish I could share it , it was just a good laugh.

I am really fired up for this rest of the week "Speed Week" from Daytona. I look forward to enjoying the race from the comfort of my living room. In the past 12 years it was a work day. I would try to get fired up, but I had to provide the entertainment at work "BSing" with the customers. Yea saw maybe 10 laps or so. The Daytona 500 is the Super Bowl of Nascar. Stay tuned for take on the credit industry and where that is and going.

Monday, February 11, 2008

"Hell" that part or the "Heaven" part comes to roost tomorrow. Time for the follow up to treatment to encompass the Ct scan. Now the reaity of the cancer deal sits in. Some in my network claim I live in denial. Well , let me say this about that, call it what you might, its called living with cancer. Yea living with cancer. You gotta " move" , move meaning live life. The quote of " dream like you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow". That about as well as it can be said. (I wish I could acknowledege where that quote came from but I am unable to.) springsteen proclaims " it aint no sin to be glad your alive" That is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Take the words and practice what they mean and see where they lead. You gotta keep the glass half full in lieu of half empty approach.

the real side of the deal is your family and trying to be support for them as they try to stay strong and support you. That is the part that could pull your heart through your throat. You have always been the control of the buggy now it runs rein free. Like down and uncharted trial. Well tomorrow we will find direction as we get the results. I going to go with the half full until someone tells me different. and the story goes on at a later date.....