Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Lookin for some answers From Others"

Sorting out working from home is somewhat perplexing issue. The campaigns I have up or better known as web sites produce , enough is the question. Could they be doing better? Are they working to there prudential is the question. How due you measure success when you are working from home is my question. I have been doing the home job deal for about 9 months, really my wife has been working harder than me on the project.. I am eager to make contact or form a network were I could share some information. I am willing to share information in hopes that I gain some knowledge at the same time. I get frustrated sometimes working in a home based business as there is no yard stick to measure up to. How do I rank working from home against other home based bossiness. There is no way other then sharing info in obtaining where you stand working from home. I am not looking for a secret , I might have one, more of a round table conversation on where the market is and compare notes. Working from home sometimes is like a dark closet with the four walls maybe holding back progress. So if somebody out there looking for some feedback get in contact by e-mail and we can see what we come up with . Looking forward to hearing from you.

If you choose check out our sites , see waht you think